I was successively the financial manager in its subsidiary company, General financial supervisor and the Director of Audit Department in its joint venture company. 本人先后担任该集团二级子公司的财务经理、合资公司财务总监及审计稽核部负责人。
Change dazzlingly in this round before, the subsidiary of the department in A people development is relatively independent. 在这轮眼花缭乱的变动之前,阿里系的子公司们的发展相对独立。
Results: ① Ten city level sports science research institutes of Jiangsu province were set up around 1990 and 2000.Seven of them are public good institution with independent legal entity qualification, the others are subsidiary department of training unit. 结果:①江苏省在1990年前后和2000年前后建立了共10家市级体科所,其中7家为具有法人资格的独立公益性事业单位,3家为训练单位附属部门。
When designing, performance targets are set separately for subsidiary company, department and staff. 在设计绩效指标时,将分公司、部门、员工三个层面展开。
This system is made according the requirement of Sichuan Tianzhu Company, which is a subsidiary of Jilin Chemical Fiber Group Co., Ltd. The logistics department is the main user. 该系统是应吉林化纤集团四川天竹竹资源开发有限公司提出的需求所做,主要使用者是四川天竹公司的物流部门,该系统用于核算四川天竹公司物流部门力工工资。
Compatible with the marketing concept there are five different stages of organization: separate sales department, sales of both the subsidiary function of marketing department, an independent marketing department, modern marketing part, modern marketing business. 与营销观念相适应的产生了独立的销售部门、兼有附属功能的销销部门、独立的营销部门、现代营销部门、现代营销企业五种不同阶段的组织。
At present in China, mainland area only has a few professional health management institutions, most of them are hospital and medical center of subsidiary department. 目前在中国大陆地区仅有少数专业的健康管理机构,大部分为医院及体检中心的附属部门。